Downloadable, 33 plus page pdf file with the step by step instructions and pattern.
E-mail me if you are outside the US and you want to order I will invoice you so my cart does not charge shipping.
To order/preorder any of the kits you will need to e-mail me
I will paypal invoice you or let you know if you are on the wait list and charge the correct shipping, no international orders on the kits except for the sticks which are easy to ship and hard to find. I will need to know 4 things:
- The kit option
- The fan fabric you want use the name before the dash if there are several options in the set give me the # of the one you want
- The tube covering fabric and trim choice use the name before the dash.
- Your mailing address state and your paypal address
Kit options
Option 1:

Kit and special rollers to make one fan Kit opt. #1
Wooden sticks (2), 5/8” O.D. plastic rollers, 3/4” O.D. plastic rollers, Printed pattern 11X 17, heavy paper 1 (18X10), Stiffened silk fabric for fan, outer tube fabric 2pc., silk ribbon 24”, rim 18” or 36”
$15.50 +ship in US 5 to 6 dollars, no international shipping on kits. Add 2.00 dollars for the printed butterfly fan.
You need to make or buy your own twist cord and these tools:
1/2 yard of 2mm twist cord, Strong Thread, Acid free PVA white glue, Bacon’s Fabri-Tac glue
Scissors; craft, fabric and optional scalloped edge, Standard and darning needles, 18” Ruler, Glue brush & glue tray, Small hole punch 2mm, scrap of cardboard, Disappearing marking, pen (not water away), Tape, Awl
Option 2:

Kit for another fan if you have rollers, instructions and pattern Kit opt. #2
Wooden sticks (2), heavy paper 1 (18X10), Stiffened silk fabric for fan, outer tube fabric 2pc., silk ribbon 24”, trim 18” or 36”
$12.50 +shipping 5.00 if shipped alone, with kit ~1.00 extra 6.00 both
You need to supply these tools and supplies: 2 plastic rollers, one 5/8″ O.D. and one 3/4″ O.D., Pattern, 1/2 yard of 2mm twist cord, Strong Thread, Acid free PVA white glue, Bacon’s Fabri-Tac glue, Scissors; craft, fabric and optional scalloped edge, Standard and darning needles, 18” Ruler, Glue brush & glue tray, Small hole punch 2mm, scrap of cardboard, Disappearing marking, pen (not water away), Tape, Awl
Option 3:

Kit for another fan if you want to supply you own tube covering fabric, trim and ribbon but want one of my stiffened fabric pieces for the fan and you have rollers, instructions and pattern.
Kit opt. #3
wooden sticks (2), heavy paper 1 (18X10), Stiffened fan fabric for fan
$7.50 +shipping ~5.00
You need to supply these tools and supplies:
outer fabric 2pc., silk ribbon 24”, trim 18” or 36”, 2 plastic rollers, one 5/8″ O.D. and one 3/4″ O.D. Pattern, 1/2 yard of 2mm twist cord, Strong Thread, Acid free PVA white glue, Bacon’s Fabri-Tac glue, Scissors; craft, fabric and optional scalloped edge, Standard and darning needles, 18” Ruler, Glue brush & glue tray, Small hole punch 2mm, scrap of cardboard, Disappearing marking, pen (not water away), Tape, Awl
Option 4:

As these wooden sticks are very important to the workings of the fan and might be difficult to find unless you have a workshop and can make them yourself, I’m going to sell them by themselves.
$1.00 + .55 for shipping in US if internationally I will have to charge more??
Fan Fabrics

Shades of raspberry and cream-stiffened silk taffeta fabric. Note 3 is sold.

Double stripe- in one direction it has thin plum and cream stripes and in the other wide medium brown and cream and narrower plum, burgundy and sage green, stiffened silk taffeta fabric.

Shades of cream to gold- stiffened silk taffeta fabric.

Stripes of green, yellow, cream- and thin lines of brown stiffened silk taffeta fabric.

Stripes of gold, cream and pink. To make things easier you only have three choices for the tube fabric and trim. 1) pink and pink trim, 2) Raspberry and dark raspberry trim or 3) gold and dark gold. There are only two of these in stock.

Printed glazed cotton butterfly fan.
Tube fabric options for kits 1 & 2

New! Mauve and cream striped taffeta fan: 1 off white, 2 taupe, 3 mauve & Royal purple. A cream, B lt. mauve, C blue-purple & D plum.

New! For the printed butterfly fan: blue/med.pink changeable taffeta with blue trim or light pink with light pink trim.

For “shades of raspberry and cream”: 3 off white, 2 pink & 1 raspberry (changeable). Trims: A dark pink, B wine & C med. pink, D light pink, E cream.

For “double stripe”: 1 copper (changeable), 2 egg yellow 3 cream, 4 taupe. A Dark gold B cream and taupe, C raspberry, D med. pink E dark pink & F wine.

For “Shades of cream to gold”: 1 gold, 2 egg yellow, 3 cream. A cream, B dark gold, C light gold (not metallic).

For “stripes of green, yellow, cream”: 1 gold, 2 egg yellow, 3 cream, 4 green duponi. Trim: A cream, B dark gold, C light gold (not metallic) & D light green.