If you take apart your fan sticks with a jewelry saw to fix them or to paint them then they need to go back together. Here is how I do it.

These are the main tools;
- hammer,
- 1″ Escutcheon pin,
- brass washer,
- small anvil,
- wire cutters,
- painters tape.
It very helpful to have a desk vice on a solid surface to help hold one end of the fan so you can hold the other. Feed the Escutcheon pin into the fan.

I put the opposite end of the fan in the desk vice and prop up the rivet end the fan on the anvil with the head of the pin down.
Tape around the pin with the point poking out. This will hold it up while you cut.

Cut the pin leaving about 3/16″ above the tape.
Slide the washer or if you can get one a washer with a cover like this. It is important that your washer is very close to the size of the pin.

Carefully hammer the cut end of the nail until the metal spreads and the washer can’t come back off. Support the fan in the area of the pin so that it does not bend or bow while you are hammering.
If you have the type of washer with a cover like this one fold it over.