I was gifted this beautiful purse because the owner planned to refurbish it but somehow figured I would be more likely to have the time to do it. I loved it at first site but really did not know what I was getting into I only knew it was a beaded purse. I had a lot to discover and figure out in the process.

This is what the bag looked like when I got it. Missing 1/2 the fringe, shot lining and some broken threads near the frame. But other that that it was in good condition.
There were a few extra fringe pieces but no where near enough.

Even though the fringe was in tack on the left it had broken free from the bag.
I started studying the fringe to figured out how the beads would have to be strung. It looked like they were strung on a single thread that goes down a fringe member, up and across two beads then down and up the next.

Then another thread goes between the two beads at the top and under the cross thread of the purse (lucky none of these threads were broken). This method spaces the fringe members out perfectly. But it does mean that I will have to restring all the fringe.
So because of that U shaped end to the fringe one knows that a thread comes down to the end of the 6 silver beads then, go back up thru all the color beads.

The color pattern on the fringe is a repeat of the pattern on the purse. so I had to map it out.
Before removing the fringe I wanted to take the beads off the frame. First, the trim that covers the edge of the lining and then the stitches that hold the beads in place.

I started carefully cutting the threads that held in the trim.
That exposed the stitching that held the beads which I cut.

The thread was easy to get to without doing damage to the purse.
When I first took it off the trim looked like this.

Remarkably once the shot silk from the lining was removed the trim was in good shape and reusable.
It is one of those ribbon “running leaf and flower trims “that are hard to find anymore.

These are the remains of the lining. I can’t tell much from this……
The purse was even engraved with the owners name.

The other side was engraved Wheeling W. V.
This is the full frame. A solid silver frame.

From the front the band with the holes is slightly recessed.
The beaded part of the purse without the frame. Too bad that really nice edging is folded down and never seen.