La Belle Epoque, Edwardian and Teens
If you plan on having a total of at least 3 patterns in your order today then use the 3+ option. For those of you that might have ordered patterns from me in the past, I have changed the cover artwork but not the title of the patterns so go by that to make sure you do not order a pattern you already have in your collection. Shipping: please note that the shipping charges that show up are usually spot on for small orders but, if you are ordering many it might calculate too much. Please note that I will refund excess shipping fees.
International orders: My paypal card does not calculate the cost all that well, I might have to refund some monies. If you want closer pricing you can e-mail me and I can pre-calculate the cost and invoice you.

5 Sizes
5 Sizes
This Pattern has instructions for two Paul Poiret inspired 1910s single wrap turbans and two 1920s “Oriental” look multiple wrap turbans.
5 Views, 3 of the views can be make up as either small hats or toques (brimless hats).
This pattern has instructions for three slightly different versions of the hat. View A is most like the period hat and has pieced lace, View B has a circle of lace and View C is a simplified version of the hat with lace fabric.
3 sizes. This a simple but very period hat that can also work for as a modern winter hat.
Four Different shaped hats with instructions for either fabric covered buckram or wireframe or a combination.
1920s Lace Cloche
This pattern has the instructions for making a 1920s style cloche from one inch wide cotton bobbin lace over a head block, the instructions for making a head block for your head size is on this page.

Hinge Gate Purse Frame
View A and C are shown below, the pattern has three views. When you buy one you get access to the downloadable pattern and instructions in PDF form. I will send you the links. My shopping cart will add 3 USD for US shipping please contact me if you want to order one for international shipping.