This is a vintage feather flower made with Goose Biot feather, along with some Pheasant and Goose shoulders feathers at the base. This is what I wanted to copy.

You can get Biot feathers on-line already dyed or order white and acid dye them. You will need about 20-24.

Clip them to 3.5″.

Cut a 5″ piece of thread covered stem wire and with pliers fold back the last 1/2″. Arrange and glue them around the stem wire and cover the base with florist wire.

Clip a Goose shoulder feather to 2″ by cutting the stem.

Cut 3 of them.

Take 4 or 5 Pheasant body feathers and remove all the downy bits along the stem.

With one side of base of a green Goose feather cut it into three 1/4″ segments. Repeat with another feather fragment.

Line up at least 4.

First glue the Pheasant feathers to the base of the Biot flower, then the 2″ Goose feathers and then the green fragments. Glue the right side of the feathers to the base, that way they flair outwards.

This is my finished flower. I curled the boots with the back side of the blade so the flower is much more open than the vintage but it could be curled if I wanted.