I just added a copy of my article on working with the patterns in “the Workwoman’s Guide” by a Lady Pub. 1838 in which I work thru two Day Cap patterns and even added a printable pdf of the graft paper you can use to scale other patterns from the book.
If you have some of my patterns older than 2023 they might have informational links to my old site, lynnmcmasters.com. It does not exist any more so I have created a page with replacements links. You can bookmark it for reference or print out this QR code and keep it with your patterns.
I just added this DayCap pattern to my Free Downloadable pattern pages. You can find a PDF of the pattern as well as pictures and some simple directions
I just added a section to my website with pictures of period day caps. You can get lost of clues how these caps go together by looking closely to these photos. I’m beginning with this Romantic Era cap.
I collect slightly damaged silk flowers and have several techniques to revive them so they look like new. This article shows how these were revived and added to this hat on a pad so they could be removed for travel. Click here.
If you love embroidery, fabric appliqué and adding cord or Soutache to the surface of garments; then you will also love doing similar decorative techniques with straw over straw. In the class Lynn will talk about and demo how to use straw in many different ways to make items that you can use to decorate the Bergère you get in class and give you a solid foundation in the techniques you can use to finish off your hat. In the second part of the class with Lynn’s help the students will decide how they want to decorate their hat and how to get started.
Noelle is modeling two straw decorated Bergères. One appliqué and one 3D straw work.
Please note that this workshop will take place on the second floor of San Jose Women’s Club. The address is 75 S. 11th Street San Jose, California 95112.
My drilled twisted Hairpins are back in stock. You can order them on the Georgian Pattern page down at the bottom. There is a tare down menu so you can order the # you want with the shipping added. That is for US customers for outside US e-mail me. Laurie Tavan wearing several Ostrich Plumes she added each plume to a single hairpin. Photo by village9991
You can find several “How-to” articles that use the hairpin here. (1), (2), (3)