This is a Fashion plate from Godey’s Lady’s Book. It shows several puffs of mini-Peacock eyes. I found these feathers on-line and made three picks that can be slipped into a finished 1860s hair style.

I cut all 9 feathers to the same 6″ long pieces, without cutting and of the side hurl (flue) barbs.

I pulled all the remaining hurl off the lower main stems and stack them up. I used 20 gauge wire for the pick and some Dread Locks Hair Braiding Metal Cuffs to decorate the base of the picks.

To make the wire part of the pick follow the instructions here except use a pen or pencil in the vice so you get a large circle at the end and on the two looks ends use round pliers to make the small loops you see here.

With the right side of the center feather facing down, use Bacon’s Fabric Tac glue to attach the small loop end of the wire to the feather.

Glue the other feathers to this with their right side down. Angle then a little one to each side.

Line the hurl barbs on a flat surface with their tips a lined. Use a strip of paper backed 1/4″ double sided tape to hold them together near their bases.

Use a rotary cutter to trim them just the other side of the tape.

Remove the tape on the hurl and add it around the base of the feathers and over wire small circles.

Open the metal cuffs just enough to slip onto the base of the feathers. Tighten the cuffs with you fingers until they are set. If they do not seem to stay. You might want to add a dot of glue under the cuff in the back where you should have the seam.

I made three, one for the side front and two for the back of the hairstyle. The wire pick can be bent to fit the curve of your head. You can also add a bobby pin to anchor the bottom loop in the pick.